Exposure One Studios

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I was a Photographers Assistant on Semester At Sea

I sometimes forget that my first experience shooting for a university wasn’t my home university where I received my degree but rather for Semester at Sea through the University of Virginia— at that time, they have moved universities since.

Why I forget I have no idea. Semester at Sea was one of the most compelling and memorable opportunities of my life and I think in some ways I forget I was at school learning and photographing and not just traveling the world with a bunch of awesome people.

My first experience as a university photographer was as the university photographers assistant. I was setting up, holding lights, editing, tracking students down, setting up appointments, and whatever else I was assigned. However I took it upon myself to always carry my camera and photograph the happenings on the ship we called home.

Check out just a few of the images I made in 2012, out of thousands I took— These images are focused on student activities, talent shows, hanging around the ship. Many, many of my images are time spent in different countries with landscapes and a focus on non-students. Even so these are just a small selection of the images I made of student events and such on the ship.