Exposure One Studios

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At the beginning of 2022, I set a goal for my business and for myself. To write three blog posts a week for the entire year. to many, that doesn’t seem like a hard goal but 365 days, 52 weeks, 3 posts a week, equals 156 photography/writing-themed blog posts.

156… It is a lot.

My topics are micro-focused on photography and occasionally even my writing endeavors. Sometimes I struggled with ideas on what to write or what to share. Other times like last month I had many fun things going on, spam emails, and things I thought needed to be shared that it didn’t feel like a struggle.

I really thought sometimes that I wasn’t going to make 156 posts, but I have, in fact I know I did a few more than that because there were a few special posts that I released that weren’t on my set schedule. Even though sometimes it felt impossible to come up with ideas and sometimes sit down and write, it is deeply rewarding to hit such a goal.

And no I will not be increasing the number of posts going into 2023 to do so I would need to start bringing in guest writers and I am not sure I am ready to manage writers and balance my other photographic duties.

Anyways Happy New Years! Set Goals! And Achieve them too!!