Exposure One Studios

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Thank You Veterans

Our country is in a trying time, many are happy their choice of president-elect won, others are scared and anxious over the future as ideals the president-elect represents is not in their favor or interest. 

So much can go right or wrong but only time will tell. What is abundantly clear to me as a business owner, artist, and friend of many is that those we call our friends, our family haven't changed. That we all still respect those who helped afford us the right to vote in someone who was not part of the political power machine.

America was never not great, it does not have to do anything to become "great again". So many across the world look to us because of the freedoms we have to make choices, speak our minds, to own businesses, vote, and even attend school. 

Our country is great and that is because of the brave men and women who fight tirelessly for those freedoms. Today, we honor those who make sacrifices for our freedoms, but it should extend beyond a day for truly that should be thanked and honored daily as we live a privileged life.

Thank You Veterans.