Exposure One Studios

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Hiring a Photographer is A Wise Investment

There comes a time in every ones life when they are wanting to have specific photographs made. Before when I was young that meant you looked up a studio or photographer in the phone book, called made an appointment and drug everyone to a studio in dressy clothes. Then you waited usually a week or two for proofs to come back and would have to go in sit down with the photographer and choose your images and prints.

It was a longer more drawn out process than it is today. In fact today you can choose to skip the professional photographer and take the images yourself using your cell phone though you should recognize that they will never be the the same quality of the professionals. Not because you lack in talent or ability but simply because for as great as the cell phone cameras are they will never be able to do what a traditional camera can.

Photographers a a wise investment because first and foremost you can be in their photos as well. Someone always has to be holding the camera or cell phone and its hard to get a great photo with you in it if you are always the one holding the camera.

I know this from personal experience— I am a professional photographer and was long before I graduated college— during my college graduation there are no photos to commemorate the event because my family simply forgot I was in the ceremony. I am the photo taker for the family they never question if there will be photos of something and so when I was graduating they never once considered that I was unavailable to both take and be in my own graduation photos. So none exist from the ceremony — I did take my own cap and gown portraits.

A professional photographer has the ability to recognize the moments as they are happening and the ability to quickly create a resounding composition that will raise the photo from a snapshot to a beautiful image of moment. They also have the post-production skills to take their images to the next level, and the equipment to make shooting in all conditions easier while producing professional quality.

Photographers invest a lot of time into their craft, a lot of money into their equipment as well. The truth is a photographer is a wise investment because they devote countless hours of their lives to making beautiful professional images that are going to stand the test of time. It is true that any one can take a photograph but like all art forms practice makes a master and photographers selling their skills have the thousands, thousands of hours of practice behind them to ensure a lasting product and the capture of all the moments.