Exposure One Studios

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Grow as a Photographer

When we start in photography we are excited, we are making art, meeting new people, traveling and creating. And then at some point we start doing the same thing over and over until it starts to feel stale and as if we are stuck in a rut. So what can we do to get out of a rut and grow as a photographer?

Try new genres in photography

If you are a landscape photographer and are just bored or uninspired. It is time to pick up the camera, call up a friend, and do a portrait session. Or attend a ball game and take the camera with you.

You have to play with other genres even if you niche to help keep your creative spirit alive. You also never know you might just discover that you love more than one area too. I myself love photographing equines however events, portraits, and weddings are a handful of things I will do every year.

When I first started I was photographing portraits, families, newborns, events, rodeos, horses, anything and everything to figure out what I loved to do and eventually things I really didn’t care for.

Try a new lens

Lenses are photographers bread and butter and yet we all have our favorite lens. Even I am guilt of having a favorite, go to, jack of all trades lens. 28-70 mm f2.8 is my baby and used so so so much that it actually needs replacement however it isn’t the end all be all of my lenses.

There is a beauty in using different lenses it pushes you to try a different focal length or really go out of your comfort zone by having to physically move your body to make the image you are after. Prime lenses are a great tool to have they can really change up your photography and force you to try new angles, depths, settings, and enable you to create some truly wowing images.

Go out and play.

Sometimes the best thing to do to grow as a photographer and get out of a rut is simply to pick up the camera and play. Go out and take a walk and see what inspires you to take a photo. Or leave the camera at home and take your phone for a walk and see what inspires you to snap cell phone images and what creative angles you can get with it.

There are no right or wrong images and sometimes we need to mess around and shoot for fun to get out of out heads and have a good time.