Exposure One Studios

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Go For Opportunities

It is no secret that for the last couple years I have been thinking and actively pursuing the opportunity to go back to simpler photographic times. These times are not portraits but rather university work.

When I was a student I had the opportunity to shoot for my home university and as an assistant while I was abroad in 2012. The opportunities were fun, they allowed me to be creative, and they allowed me to be around the academically minded which is an atmosphere I greatly appreciate and yes; miss.

I haven’t been a student for eight years and it has been just as long since I have done any work for a university which was fine at first as I was traveling, learning, growing, and developing as a photographer. However once I retired from the niche of photography I got into after college they desire to go back came on strong. As a student I had briefly held the title University Photographer and that is something I would love to regain.

Which has started my journey researching positions and if it is something I want to pursue as a full time job or whether I am just feeling nostalgic. Several weeks back an answer was presented to me in the form of a local university calling to inquire about hiring on an as needed basis for their photography needs. This lead to a campus tour and my placing an introductory bid.

As of yet I haven’t heard anything and whether I get the bid or not, I am taking it as a sign from the universe that just maybe it isn’t all nostalgia driving my urge to delve into this genre of photography.