Exposure One Studios

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Glass Eye's A Photographers Journey

I think the reality of my book being publicly available is hitting me now as my final copies arrived in the mail yesterday. As I flipped through and saw my hard work re-working the formatting and the words I labored over in print it became real— as did the typos that unfortunately through editing still found their way into print.

Then learning I would have to restart the process to correct the book and have it available which would delay it further so sadly the typos are here to stay. My inner perfectionist is cringing at knowing there are issues I missed even when I was told to expect an 80/20 split. AKA, Myself, my editor, my pre-readers would catch 80% of the errors and 20% would make it through to print.

Professionals say 1 typo every 1000 words is expected in manuscripts over 40,000 words. My memoir is sitting roughly 46,000 so I fall in that range and while I have personally only discovered three that was really in a glance and slight re-reading of one section. So who knows how many more I missed — insert sad face.

I have officially published, as a self published author I can’t easily change my work once it is out. There are no corrections before second printings, because it’s print on demand — pod— and to re-upload it would change the publication date, and would take months to get back with the retailers it is currently listed through.

Is it ideal to have the typos? Absolutely not! In a perfect world there would be none but even traditionally published books contain printing errors, formatting errors, and typos. They just have an ability to fix it much easier than independent authors.

That being said Glass Eyes is listed for sale on sites like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books A Million. Links available on my book page. Please excuse the errors and forgive my imperfection, for my first book I am proud to have made it this far errors and all.