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Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey Update

Hi ya’ll I wish I had news of a drop date on the book to release to you but 2021 decided to go out by giving my entire family covid and I choose to focus on my health and the families health in loo of using the time at home to work. Which shocked me as about as much as you because I rarely take time to focus on me but this was necessary covid by itself is mentally exhausting without adding a parent in the hospital because of it.

Anyways that time put me a little behind. At this date I was hoping to be ordering my second proof copy to finalize the books formatting and check for final mistakes. That being said I am catching up on the work and should see that proof copy ordered here in about a weeks time— I just need to run a final check of the last three chapters.

In excitement from the proof I ordered back in September to now the book has gain some new writing, new photos, new tips, and about 76 pages. So a lot more to offer and a lot more to make sure I got it right.

So follow the blog, and my social media accounts I know I dropped off those in December but the goal is to start regular posting again which will have vital information regarding my memoir. And lets all cross our fingers because I am working hard for a Spring 2022 release!!!!