Exposure One Studios

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Gift from a Client

There are a lot of things I do that I don’t really think of as work. I mean curse of doing this for so long and finding somethings relaxing. But among them are creating photo-books, I get a lot of joy in having clients actually want to print their photos and print them in books that I love designing them.

I have designed enough of them that its gotten very, very easy for me. So I really am willing to do with for nothing at all especially for my more fixed income clients. Here’s the thing I do a lot of charity with my photographic skills so when a former client reached out asking if I still had the images from 7 years ago and was crying they were so happy because their disc was misplaced and they thought they were gone forever that they asked if I’d design a book. It was nothing for me to do so.

So I did and sent them a proof pdf, then placed the order. The hardest part for me is directed shipping because I never get to see the final product but the client reached out thrilled with the book. So I was happy, I didn’t charge them anything more than the cost of the books, they had purchased the images years ago and making the book was fairly uncomplicated for me— the most time consuming part was going through my archives to find the images.

I thought nothing of it when the client asked for my address, I have plenty that like to send thank you notes which I love. Well she did send a thank you just something far, far beyond my expectations. She she me a The Trail of Painted Ponies Fallen Heros Memorial Pony statue. Which is absolutely gorgeous and completely unexpected.

She knew I do a lot of work with horses and enjoy them. Her thoughtfulness means a lot to me and I appreciate knowing how much my work meant to her that she saw this and thought of me. It is the little things sometimes.

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