Exposure One Studios

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First Attempt at Photographing A Car Show

I have spent the first decade of my career with a camera in hand photographing horses and low lit rodeos. I have rarely spent time photographing things I do not understand at even a very basic level.

So naturally I figure I need to change that. Things I don’t understand— Cars.

They should get you from point A to B, I know basic dummy lights, and I know how to call someone to fix them. That’s it. I am not mechanically inclined, I don’t really get what makes one better than another, collectible, or what the mods exist for. Simply put I am not a car person.

But I have been asked a few times over the years to attend car shows or truck things and do photos. Usually my schedule is always in conflict but taking an off year this year meant I have some time. So Saturday September 10th in the mist of the Veterans and First Responders Jamboree I found my way over to their car show and made an effort to get a few shots.

I was dividing my time that day between various activities scheduled so I know I missed cars, I definitely missed arrivals of cars. I had an interesting time trying to discover how to make interesting images in tight quarters. I am still unsure what kind of photos car guys are looking for but hope that as I attend more my skills will grow even it my knowledge of car stuff does not.

Check out a few shots below and a link to the entire gallery!