Exposure One Studios

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So I know I am beyond late on this post. I mean over a month maybe two, eh fireworks never got out of style right?

Anyways my new town, village, whichever put on a beautiful fireworks display and guys I didn’t have to leave the house they were going off over my head. #winning

Now as a responsible professional photographer my camera was obviously not charged, nor ready for photographing fireworks— I had worked a summer camp the weekend prior I was barely charged (insert shrugging emoji here….. they really need to update the blog system for emojis.)

Anyways I used my iPhone X got some decent shots while my dog who is five and never been afraid of fire works before cowered in the house this year because he decided to change his stance on them. Check out the shots I liked below.

As Always Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Stay Six Feet Apart!