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Favorite Reads

I can not be photography every minute of every day 24/7. To survive I have to have hobbies and passions outside of this art I love. For me one of those hobbies is reading, I love words, and stories be they fiction or true.

I have been a reader since I was a child and with taste that run the gauntlet I have consumed a fair amount of books. And like all readers I have favorite series and stand alones. Due to my work of the last two years writing my own memoir I have consumed a fair amount of non-fiction to aid in my own writing.

However before my own writing was even a twinkle in my eye a nonfiction book slowly slinked its way into my heart as a favorite from a college assignment. ‘A Walk on the Beach: Tales from an Unconventional Woman by Joan Anderson’

Photo by Caroline Veronez from Pexels

A Walk on the Beach is an inspiring read, it is a light read that to me was full of wisdom, a tale about sharing that wisdom and talents with the world to build others up and leave a legacy behind.

It is a non-fiction but it is worth the read and as an older book it is fairly inexpensive to come by. If you are willing to take the risk go into it with an open mind, I myself found quotes that have stuck in my mind for years from the first paragraphs.