Exposure One Studios

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Fall Engagements

2020 has arguably been the weirdest year in photography for me yet. All my previously schedule shoots, events, and sessions started canceling in March; by June I had an entirely open year as clients were unsure whether they could financially afford photo-shoots or if their businesses would weather the storm. All of it beyond understandable but I was left wondering how my business would fare.

Cut to going way back to my roots when outdoor equestrian events weren’t banned after a lot of fighting to get them included with other sporting events. So I would pop over to local shows, mostly shoot for fun, and the lovely equestrians really supported me with purchases of their images. I found a footing to weather the storm that was 2020.

I missed all the shoots I had planned. I was becoming out of practice shooting portraits, and honestly out of practice with my camera from lack of use. I should have come up with some kind of personal project but I wasn’t in the headspace, I wasn’t feeling creative, and the idea of using my camera in the early months honestly made me mad.

Things turned around, life continued, friends got engaged and friends hired me to shoot their engagements at cool new venues.

Squire’s Castle- Cleveland, OH

Those of you who know me, know one of the main aspects of my business is traveling to clients pretty much everywhere. I am use to being on the go, traveling, and being in new places. So 2020 has been hard on me being well home more often than not, in my own county, in my own state without adventures anywhere planned or even on the horizon.

Cleveland while still in my home state is several hours from me and the furthest I will get to travel it appears this year. However, I was lucky to get to check out an area I didn’t previously know existed, see an old friend, make some new images, and see it all during the beauty of a gorgeous fall season.

Check out my favorite shots from my only Fall 2020 engagement session.