Exposure One Studios

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End of an Era: Five Years Later

I announced five years ago now about my plan to retire from rodeo with the occasional chance of photographing hometown rodeos or local ones. It was a very hard decision to make because rodeo photography is a large part of what made me the photographer I am today.

Rodeo photography was something I dedicated a decade too. Something that came out the blue to me when I started as a portrait photographer.. I love rodeo, I love the friends I made, and I love the challenge of the photographic work. But I was ready for a new phase of photography and there for ready to step back from rodeo.

My last rodeo was September 18th 2019 and it really didn’t hit me that I was retired until the covid pandemic well and truly canceled everything. It was hard then trying to imagine what my career was going to look like going forward, but I never imagined basically starting from ground zero because two years of cancellations, economic down turns, and offering a luxury service in a world were luxuries take a back seat to rising costs to feed ourselves.

That I endured through hard times and 2023 was such a great year full of travel, photos, and success I am looking forward to continuing the progress this year.

Here’s to the photography opportunities and adventures of 2024!