Exposure One Studios

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DragonFire Act!

If anyone knows me well as a photographer then you know I love capturing fire acts. A lot of it stems from trying to get the action and a realistic looking flame at the same time and other times it’s wanting to make the flames and the event have an artistic feel.

So it can be no surprise that while at the Pittsburgh Renaissance Faire in September one of the main performers I wanted to see was Wilsome’s DragonFire performance. Luckily enough I was able to catch his first performance and seated myself at an angle to capture so great close up portraits of his playing with flames.

Fire photography is always a delicate balancing act in lights and darks, you don’t want to over expose, but under can be just as bad depending on the look you are going for. I knew from research that this performer would blow a fire ball and I wanted my photography to shot the power and brilliance of that moment. I wasn’t looking to capture the entire scene, I was wanting the power of the fireball itself.

So I was very focused and I was working my camera settings for a darker look because the fire was most important to me. I got some great shots of Wilsome’s performance, check them out below!