Exposure One Studios

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Rodeo Photo Book? Yes or No?

I never intentionally set out to be a rodeo photographer, if anything my start in photography was shooting portraits and barrel races at day time 4-h shows. It was for fine art projects for my advance art classes in my final year of high school not an intentional career path. Though it is true a high schooler can not predict the path their future will truly take. I never predicted photography be such a huge part of my life, that it would open so many doors, or that I would want it to be my career. 

But here we are 8 years later, I travel around photographing rodeos, weddings, doing portraiture and living a dream I didn't imagine as my high school graduation neared. This crazy journey was complete with attending college for 5 years for two degrees, leaving the country for solo travel and photography opportunities in 17 countries on 4 continents, being published in magazines and on billboards. Huge accomplishments, things I didn't imagine happening and goals I never imagined setting being set. 

This year as I travel to rodeos, to make memory capturing images I have decided that perhaps after all these years a compilation photobook be the perfect commemorative item not just for me but for those who live, work, compete and love the world of rodeo. 

So sound off if you are interested in seeing a book come out after the end of the 2018 season.

See this form in the original post

Thank You for your responses! Moments of Rodeo was released in May 2019 and can be found on Amazon! Or the book page of my website.