Coping with Rejection
Rejection is a fact of life. In the photography business rejection can happen more often than not. There is a saying that not every client is the right client, and not every job is the right job. Don’t let rejection hold you back it was meant to teach you something not hold you back.
I have been a photographer for over a decade and have faced more rejection than I sometimes want to admit. Inquiries come in and for some reason or another they do not work out or opportunities pass me by. Opportunities I have yearned for, for years.
I have to take it in stride because if I dwell on the rejection then I will not make steps forward and on the heels of rejection some great opportunities have come my way. In fact, on the heels of rejection some of my most memorable shoots have happened which may not have had I not been rejected.
In photography rejection comes as more than not booking a session. It can come in the form of clients not liking the delivered product or in clients booking with someone else after having just worked with you.
Rejection though is just a fact of life it really is how you move on from it that matters. So if you work for a client and they decide your work wasn’t what they wanted so they book a different photographer do not let it bring you down.
Remember that sometimes you can have an off day. Sometimes clients change their mind on what they want their projects to look like. Remember that sometimes the client may not be right for you and your photography business. Remember that just because a potential client said no now doesn’t mean they won’t seek you out in the future.
Rejection is a tool for growth. Use it that way. Use it to full your future projects and grow as an artist and photogapher. Don’t let it discourage you because if you are getting rejected than you are doing things right!