Exposure One Studios

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Chasing Rainbows- Iphone Photography 2020

The end of 2019 came in a blur or work, family, lack of sleep, and sunshine with rain?

Yeah confusing, I know I was there and still can’t recall it, but I am glad 2019 is over. Though it gave a beautiful last photography opportunity before its departure.

If you follow my blog, which lead you to my social media then you have seen a few of those images on instagram and facebook, ok and twitter, and 500 px. I called them chasing rainbows and was lucky to snap them.

They weren’t anticipated or planned shots. I wish beyond wish that I had had my camera on me but all I had was my iPhone X which is fabulous phone and I can shoot a professional image with its camera. It just isn’t the same as my camera body, glass, setting adjustments. Ah the good things in life.

Ohio Bicentennial Barn, Belmont County, 12/30/2019

In the course of traveling from my home to the mall it went from gloriously sunny to deep clouds a drizzle on one side and a rainbow formed. The brightest rainbow I have seen in years, and guys my drive through the country to the interstate has some kick ass scenery so I was excited.

Now a normal person would pull over to take these quick photos on their phone. I was riding passenger which is a luxury for me anymore and rather than request the driver pull over I am like no lets ramp up the challenge, shoot a rainbow, a good composition and do it at 55 mph.

So if you are saying girl you are lucky you got a decent shot then thank you I know! The potential for blur, missing the shot, shooting a sign was all to real— ok I have a snap of a sign too!

But I did take these images that I truly love and was lucky to witness and capture.

To see more iPhone 2020 Photography and you know just my regular work with my trusty camera check out my social media sites and give me a follow.

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