Exposure One Studios

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CELEBRATE: A Christmas Thrill Show

Back around the end of September I was contacted about possibly creating a poster and some graphics for a Christmas Equestrian Thrill Show in Kansas. The show would feature stunts on horseback, aerialist, a living nativity, and incorporate the magic of the Christmas season— my job would be to get that all across in a bright and festive image.

Guy’s I was both excited and intimidated because Christmas is a hard theme, there is so much Christmas marketing that what could I come out with to make it pop and stand out? Yet as you already know I love myself a challenge so during our conference call when I was making sure I had all the copy needed for the poster as well as other specifics I was sketching out a potential poster idea.

As we were waiting on final contracts and venue confirmation I wasn’t in an immediate hurry to start however promptly the next morning I was contacted and asked my progress because they needed the poster graphic ASAP for a magazine cover— cue panic, cue anxiety because I hadn’t even begun.

I am happy to say the image in my head came to life and was approved for the project.

As of today the venue has been secured. The posters are in print, post cards are designed and printed. Banners are being readied to be hung, displayed and have photos taken with. I have worked hard to hit things on tight deadlines and dove into a different area including video (gosh I hope it turns out!).

Celebrate: A Christmas Thrill Show is happening, live nativity, live performances, aerialist, equine stunt performers, comedians, and more! It is going to be a great show for a great cause — The Hope Grown Ranch (A horseback riding center).

Due to Covid this event has been Postponed.