Exposure One Studios

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Work in Progress...

So a few weeks ago I made available a free ebook which I hope you all have grabbed!— CLICK HERE FREE EBOOK— As a photographer time for writing isn’t as readily available as making shoot time, editing time, handling print crisis’s or speaking with potential clients. Ok, or worrying about booking clients! But I am trying very hard to be more diligent with this blog, for me and for all of you! (SO if there is anything specific you want me to write about please comment and let me know!)

I digress, I penned the ebook as an introductory to what has been a large scale project for me for years. A collective rodeo photography book that I announced publicly in October of 2018 but have been working on for perhaps five years. Long term!

Moments of Rodeo is set to be made available for purchase in June of this year! (Excitement, clapping, bouncing, and much dancing!) If you follow me on instagram chances are you have seen a lot of my rodeo photography work, as I have been very active on sharing it with the instastratosphere (not a real word I know but come on it seems so fitting!) and as much as I love the digital world nothing beats holding a print in my hand. I hope you all feel the same!

As we near the release date, my work in preparing links, sales sites, and publishing went into full effect. Finding publishers for coffee table books is harder than ever if you are not the White House Photographer (which honestly sounds like an awesome job and to our next Pres if your reading this, Hi I’d love to be your personal paparazzi!!)

So with that in mind I went the self publishing route, which gave me a lot more freedom which increased the number of images I was able to make available! Total win in my world when I went through thousands and thousands that I have taken to narrow it down to the Best Thousand and then Top 500.

At rough draft stage there are 420 images in the softcover and image wrap cover. And 423 in the hardback with a dust jacket (my personal favorite version). Proofing has commenced on the book and the first printed draft version has arrived!

It is exciting moving closer to a goal I have been working towards for years more so to unwrap that proof copy and know I am mere months away from release. I really hope you are excited as animal lovers, equestrians, cowgirls, cowboys, fans of rodeo, and competitors. I want this to be so much more than just a book of printed images, I want them to be used, taken to a rodeo, carted to your favorite cowgirl or boy and autographed so it is more than a book of pretty pictures but a book of memories that are far more than just my own.

Stay tuned for the release date!