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Book Quotes Made inspirational Quotes

My book Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey was published in 2022 and made its rounds on amazon, in bookstores, and in my local library/ area. I have gotten decent feedback on it even though it was rough as a self published book with several formatting errors and an inability to fix without starting from scratch.

I love my book and I am proud I wrote it. I had to face some harsh realities and got to reflect on some absolutely amazing moments while offering advice and minimal tips for becoming a photographer. While some of the things may be outdated now a lot of the advice I gave wasn’t technical in nature it was in facing an oversaturated field and chasing your passion.

At one point I got accepted as a good reads author and was able to post a few quotes I liked from my book. And then oddly enough one day while searching the internet for something I can not even remember I stumbled on my quote, on a pretty background from one of those inspiration quote sites. Like big name photographers sayings end up on.

I do not know if it can be considered an achievement but I was pretty excited about it and wanted to share it here.