Exposure One Studios

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Belmont County Saddle Club

I love horse show time of year. I get to go spend hours in the sunlight, looking and petting pretty ponies, hanging out with horse friends and taking some awesome equine action shots. Basically the moments I dream about when I am stuck in the office doing edits. bookings, invoicing, contracts, etc.

This year with everything reopening I have been getting a lot of dates and show bills sent to me with request which is awesome. So like a rational and sane person I went and tore my meniscus (I think— still waiting for it to be medically verified). Anyways things that we don’t get being self-employed is the time to take time off from busy season not when a year prior was cancelled.

So I am working these shows. And guys I am in pain, the first show of the season I was seated and elevating the leg while shooting. Belmont I was able to stand more but suffice it to say driving and riding in a car is the most painful thing for me at the moment. Which is entirely unfortunate because I am suppose to be in Columbus the weekend of June 27th and I am worried I will not be able to make the nearly 3 hour drive.

Ok I am not going to go deep into medical stuff and blah blah what happens if I just physically can’t keep my end of the month schedule. So something to keep in mind, when you see us photographers at. your events sometimes we are working when injured and sick because we do not get paid time off. Please remember to support us, purchase photos, and do not steal.

Check out some shots from Belmont Saddle Club Below!

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