Exposure One Studios

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Being Published Stress Part Two

So in February I officially published my memoir- Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey. This book has taken a few years to write, and create; from design, to writing, to curating images, multiple print tests, editing, and so on. It was not a quick nor easy feat. I was stressed for awhile making it and now I feel slight stress with every sale and potential reader showing interest.

This book is really about me, my experiences, travel, and the creation of my business. I wanted to include some helpful information about what has made my business work, as well as stories and events that have hindered my progress. I included very personal events, things that happened to me as early as last year and it is nerve wrecking to make it publicly available. In addition I included a lot of photos through out the book and had to make the concession to put them in black and white for cost savings purposes.

I want this memoir to look as professional as possible even though I have self published. I want those who are taking the risk to purchase it to feel they are getting their monies worth. Now things that add to the stress I am feeling is the company I choose to publish through has a zero returns policy. It is printed to order so once processed you are locked in.

In addition even with all the multiple test runs, and editing errors have made it in including a formatting error that unfortunately cut the final sentence on page 89. A slightly vital group of words that should say ‘I either stayed out of it or remained polite and then did my work, and proceeded to release every image un-watermarked and for free.’

If you are interested in purchasing Glass Eyes A Photographers Journey please see the book tab for purchase links.

Read my publishers return policy now