Exposure One Studios

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Be Willing to Learn

I was having a discussion with a family member about attitudes of teenager and a parent in the horsing world. This conversation revolved around this person thinking they know everything there is to know and if there is a problem they automatically blame their equine partner. They are simply put unwilling to admit a lack of knowledge and seek help from those who may know.

This attitude isn’t uncommon in the horse world or frankly any professional world. But here is the truth no person knows everything there is to know about any subject. I have been a photographer for 13 years and I am still learning new things. I also make mistakes and I have enough humility to admit my faults. I am far from perfect, I am human, but the one thing I am is willing to learn and grow from my mistakes.

As a professional we need to also be teachable a child can teach us something new the same way a 40 year professional can teach us something new. Be open and willing to learn no matter how long you have been practicing anything and you will be even better than you were when you woke up in the morning.

Also be willing to teach and pass on what you know to help someone else grow.