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Are you a Reader? Come Follow ME on Goodreads

I have been a member of Goodreads for a long while, the problem is I haven’t always been faithful at review books on it, updating my books read, or really utilizing it. That is until last year and my addiction to Kindle Unlimited and since becoming a Goodreads Author!

I am trying to stay active on there by updating progress at least once a week— with my KU addicting its per book I find worthy of review. I have connected this blog and I am going to try very hard to write more reviews on books I read not just the ones I have something to say about! Though I will be honest sometimes I just have nothing to say and do not feel like trying to write a review— which as an author I don’t want my readers to do that but I also get it, writing a review requires mental energy and sometimes I just don’t have it in me to give it.

Anyways come follow me!