Exposure One Studios

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Another Flash Back Friday

So for this flash back Friday I wanted to focus on action shots. Not just any actions shots though, high energy, lots of movement, and stage lighting.

The first image is from 2012, it was close quarters, lots of moving not just in the dancers but from the fact we were on a moving ship that dipped up and down with the waves of the sea. Not only that I was a very young photographer— just starting out really— I was learning and I wasn’t as good with my equipment.

Student Talent Show SAS F12

My comparison image was taken in March 2022 of a high school production of Beauty and the Beast. High Movement, no knowledge of actor placement, theater lighting, and a greater shooting distance with more movability for me.

2022 Beauty and the Beast Production at Harrison Central in Cadiz, OH

I think they are both good images. They definitely display growth. But both had their own sets of challenges when creating them. The image of 2012 I was seated on the floor, it was a packed house and knees and elbows were touching. That meant I had no ability to maneuver for a shot.

The 2022 photo greatest challenge was no knowing how the play movements were being staged. Everyone knows the story but not knowing where the performers would be hitting their marks for dancing moves and such makes it a tough shoot. Then add in the complexity of the depth of the stage with background, low lighting, other actors placements and it was a fun time that really put my years of experience and growth to the test to get shots that displayed everything going on in a focus that didn’t just include foreground.

I love both images because they represent my journey, my skills, and very fond memories made.