Exposure One Studios

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A Hogwarts Christmas

Yep this post is way after the fact, yes I am aware Christmas is over but such is the curse of working behind and ahead at the same time.

I do tend work my blogs in advance for time reasons and this year I added the stress of two blog posts a week rather than one because I wanna grow. Or I am a glutton for punishment???

Anyways everyone who knows me, knows I am a huge Harry Potter fan and an avid collector regardless of the worlds personal thoughts on the creator JK Rowling right now. While I too disagree with her positioning I refuse to allow that to color a book series that I grew up with, that was a huge part of my life.

This Christmas my aunt added to my collection with the Triwizard Cup that lights up and months earlier I had purchased the Hogwarts Castle lamp… and I have new wands and a replica hogwarts students trunk enroute but they are not yet arrived.

Because I love my light up items in my collection I decided to make a video dedicated to it. Check it out below.