Exposure One Studios

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A Decade Since I Traveled with Semester At Sea

As a college student a dream of mine had been to study abroad. My challenge was selecting the where, which I struggled with long and hard until Semester at Sea came on my radar. It was a semester long program on a cruise ship traveling the world!

Yep, that’s right multiple countries!

My dream come true, and in Fall of 2012 I embarked on that travel adventure, I made many friends, learned a lot about myself and photography (I was a photographers assistant on-board!)

It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since I lived and completed that program. Traveled to 10+ countries and got to be a nomad of a sort. I miss it, I miss the travel, the locations, the photography, and the freedom.

As I plan for some national and international travel in the coming years I started reflecting on my previous experiences and reminiscing which is what inspired this post. So I decide to share some images from 10 years ago when I traveled the world with Semester at Sea.

Notice this isn’t a fraction of the images I have, nor the best ones, merely some of my favorite in country ones. Many many many of the best memories from this time are not documented but the thought of them still brings a smile to my face and lightens my mood.

Truly was a gift to travel on Semester at Sea.